We are deeply grateful for their help and support to make this contest more fun for everyone involved.

In 2002 and 2003, 2004

東華書局 Tung-Hua Bookstore and Marco Polo Restaurant: http://www.bookcake.com.tw

敦煌書局 Caves Bookstore: http://www.cavesbooks.com.tw

牛津出版社 Oxford University Press: http://www.oup.com/elt

Joining the team in 2003:

Ace English Center: http://www.aceclub.com.tw

台灣培生教育出版股份有限公司 Taiwan E.L.T Publishing Co., Ltd. http://www.pearsoned.com.tw

Joining the team in 2004:

Pizza Hut http://www.pizzahut.com.tw

Milton 米爾頓文教科技實業有限公司 http://www.miltoncet.com.tw

書林傳書網 http://www.bookman.com.tw

Joining the team in 2005:

Idee Dept. Store 衣蝶百貨


CNN互動英語雜誌CNN Interactive Magazines

誠品書局天母店  Eslite Tien Mon Square

華納威秀美麗華店  Warner Village Cinemas(Miramar)

Merry Spa


劍橋出版社 Cambridge University Press

華爾街美語 Wall Street Institute Starbucks

星巴克 Starbucks

巨唐股份有限公司 Great Long Company


湖畔咖啡LakeShore Café

鄉香早餐Breakfast Store

 Let's Party

御香日式料理Japanese gourmet.

主義飲料Principle Drink.
